Activities of the Schools

The Fränkischer Tag features an occasio-nal column “Schüler lesen Zeitung” (school- children read newspapers), in which the children report a piece of local history resarch they had undertaken and write it up for the newspaper.

On 13 February the Fränkischer Tag printed a contribution from Class 9s of the Schwerhörigenschule Bamberg (a school for the hard-of-hearing) under the heading Schutzzahlungen und Vertreibung (Payment of Protection and Expulsion), an enquiry into the life of Jewish citizens in the rural areas, with special reference to the Community and cemetery at Walsdorf.

I have already mentioned the participation of a girls’ choir from the Franz-Ludwig- Gymnasium during the opening of the Week of Brotherhood.

As every year for more than 20 years Chriss Fiebig continued her education work with the schools. Because there was serious illness at home, she was obliged to cancel some dates and refuse others. And although she worked in places outside the Bamberg, as well, Chriss managed to do a number of talks and guided tours about Judaism to schools in and around Bamberg itself

On 2 and 9 February she conducted tours for the Volkshochschule (a sort of popular University), on 11 March she taught at the ETA Hoffmann Gymnasium, on 14 March, at the Realschule Hirschaid and on 18 March at the school in Rattelsdorf. On 26 March she undertook a tour of old Jewish Bamberg for the foreign exchange students of the ETA Hoffmann Gymnasium from Turin, Italy, on 8 April she taught at the Akademie Jakobsberg, on 27 May at the school in Wildensorg, on 27 June at the Eichendorff Gymnasium, on 6 November again at the Academie on the Jakobsberg and on 17 November at the school in Mühlhausen.

So far as these schools were concerned, she had been there before and was invited to come back.

But these were by no means her only appearances. She taught in Schnaittach, on two occasions in Eichstätt (Jewish cookery courses), in Erlangen and places in and around Villach in Austria, where she has a house.

Unconnected with schools, Chriss conducted tours of the old Jewish Bamberg for vistors from the USA and a party from Kiel. She took part in a number of memorial meetings, for example on 8 May at the old town hall to mark the 58th anniversary of the end of the War and on 19 May to mark the 70th Anniversary of Willi Aron’s murder in Dachau.

Considering her problems at home, she again showed her remarkable commitment.


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